What Is Cream Honey?

What Is Cream Honey?

Cream honey is becoming increasingly popular and capturing the hearts of sweet eaters around the world. Surely, there is not a single fan of honey in Europe, who would not have tried this product of beekeeping. One of the countries where the cream honey has become most popular is Canada. Here in each city has its own traditions associated with honey, and residents of different cities prefer to consume honey in different ways, so the cream honey is well integrated into the lifestyle of Canadians. By the way, the popularity of this product in Canada can also be explained by the fact that the technology for making whipped honey was invented by a Canadian professor Elton Dice in 1928. For seven years, he was refining and perfecting the manufacturing process, and in 1935 he received a U.S. patent for the production of cream honey.

So what is the peculiarity of cream honey and what are its advantages over conventional honey? Let's figure it out!

How is it made?
It is essentially the same honey, without any additives, just whipped according to a special technology. It is made by stirring the liquid honey before it has solidified (crystallized), and the result is a white product with a delicate creamy structure.
During the production process, the honey is oxygenated, and the product increases in volume. When making honey, it is not heated and does not lose its beneficial properties. Quality cream honey is not inferior to liquid honey in terms of its usefulness.
We will not describe the entire process of making cream honey, we will just say that during the production process, the temperature and time are strictly observed. In high-quality cream honey does not add emulsifiers, thickeners and other E-substances.

What are the advantages ?

  • Cream honey retains its creamy structure throughout the year, it does not thicken or crystallize.
  • Retains all the useful properties of the original product.
  • Easy to mix in a homogeneous mass with other products. You can easily find honey with additives in the form of berries or fruit.
  • It has a unique flavor, with a delicate texture, and literally melts in the mouth.

Sometimes ordinary honey is too liquid, and you need to be fairly dexterous not to get it on your hands or on the table. The consistency of cream honey is similar to thick sour cream, and it will never "crawl away" from your toast. You can use it as a coating for cakes and pies, and you can just use it with a regular spoon.
Surely you have at least once encountered a situation where you found on a shelf or in the refrigerator a jar with solidified honey, which had to be carefully extracted from this very jar. And indeed, honey crystallizes in the warm, and in the refrigerator simply freezes, although all the rules of storage are observed. And in order to return the viscosity of honey, it is usually subjected to heating, which in turn affects its useful properties. Honey does not like temperatures above 40 degrees, and in general, poorly tolerates temperature changes. With cream honey, this does not happen, this type of honey is always ready to spread on bread! Although we still recommend observing the rules of storage.

Quality cream honey has all the health benefits of regular honey. At the same time, because of its consistency, it is much easier to spread on bread or just eat it with a spoon. In addition, you can find a fair amount of different flavors of cream honey and diversify your diet. Also, cream honey can be a favorite treat for children, and parents can not worry because this product is natural and healthy!

At Balara you can fund different flavour of cream honey from Kazakhstan. 100% pure honey that makes your life tasty and healthy!

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